Why do I sometimes get sad, depressed or agitated after a session?
Release negative emotions with EFT? And now you don’t feel so great. Sometimes depression occurs after tapping. You can still be resisting change. Maybe it’s a payoff for keeping a block. Maybe there is still a part of you resisting change. After clearing major traumas or blocks with EFT, you see the possibility of living life with a different set of rules. This might mean risking rejection rather than living behind a wall of protection (the previous excuse for your challenges.) Therefore you feel a bit unsafe or on unfamiliar ground.
It’s not uncommon to have reactions like these. There are several possible reasons:
Release Negative Emotions with EFT
You may be regretting the previous choices you’ve made in life (or things that have happened to you) and “opportunities wasted” in your life due to your issue. These feelings are not usually at a conscious level, however, until EFT is introduced and stirs things up. It’s as if one part of you is blaming yourself for an unfulfilled, or less-than-satisfying life, and another part is eager to step into a new role. So two or more elements of you may be battling or even raging with each other.
The “new you” feels out-of-sorts because “it” doesn’t know how to behave in this new paradigm, with a different identity. Some people who have been victimized, for instance, may blame others for their crummy life or bad choices, and not know how to live an accountable existence. Once the curtain has lifted using EFT, however, they might feel angry, or fearful, like a fish-out-of-water as they begin to see life from a more accountable, optimistic perspective.
There may be a payoff for having your issue (I’m not suggesting that you would choose to have your problems.) However, some people are financially compensated for a disability, may get attention, sympathy or special favors as a result of their issues, so a part of them is reluctant to change. Don’t get mad at me here for suggesting this. I’m not saying your consciously choosing to stay ill, or in pain or whatever, only that a part of you may have latched on to some secondary benefits of your issues. (For more information on this read my Reversals article here on Gary’s site, or on the Free Stuff page of my website)
A part of you is sad (or even sick to their stomach) for the ‘old’ identity you’re striving to leave behind. And sometimes there’s a reluctance to do that…for reasons that vary among different people. Just as people stay in bad marriages because it’s at least familiar, we sometimes want to stay with what we perceive as a safe place, habit or personality. To change what’s become so familiar is disconcerting to some, while exciting and uplifting for others.
And most likely…you’re simply not done yet! You’re only partially into your issues and are stirring things up. You may (or may not) have cleared out some blocks and resolved some issues, but there’s still more. Often people feel they should be “fixed” after one or two sessions, and that’s just not likely…in most cases. Confusion, “foggy-headedness”, anxiety, headaches, anger, or sadness simply means you’re not done! Be patient with the process and continue to work on your own, between sessions, or with an experienced practitioner.
Release Negative Emotions With EFT: Maybe You Need a Competent Practitioner
If you’re experiencing any of the above problems, it’s highly likely you are working on issues far too complex for you to handle alone. EFT is extremely effective in the right hands. Beginners, however, should stay with simple, rather than complex issues. One of the ways you’ll know if your issue is over your head is if you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms.