EFT Tapping Phrases: What words and phrases do I use in eft?
This is a common question. “What do I say?”
Effective EFT tapping phrases require being specific, and finding core issues.
This leads to successful EFT experiences.
The EFT Set Up Statement :
Add an acceptance affirmation to your problem. An example is: “Even though I have this __________(fill in your issue), I deeply and completely accept myself.” However, there is a bit more to it than that. What’s important to remember is you can’t do it “wrong”, but some effective EFT tapping phrases are more effective than others. Try it different ways until you get the result you want.
I like to add a Reversal Statement to the Basic Set Up Statement. The Reversal Statement which goes like this “and there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to let it go, for whatever reason”. This statement acknowledges that there are subconscious reasons why we hold on to uncomfortable emotions and issues that sabotages us. For example, it may not be safe to let it go, or you’ll feel guilty letting it go, or you feel like the emotion protects you in some way. I feel that I get better results using the Reversal Statement in the Set Up, than without it.
Here are some examples of set-up statements. Remember to be specific.
Even though I have this fear of public speaking, and there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to let it go, for whatever reason, I accept myself just the way I am.
Even though a part of me is still very angry with Peggy for embarrassing me,and there’s apart of me that doesn’t want to let it go, for whatever reason, I love and accept myself.
Even though I have this achy lower back pain on the left side of my sacrum, and there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to let it go, for whatever reason, I want to love myself.
Even though I feel guilty about how I treated Sue, and there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to let it go, for whatever reason, I want to forgive myself.
Even though I have an intense craving for a chocolate croissant, and there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to let it go, for whatever reason, I want to be free of this craving.
Even though I have this fear driving over bridges, and there’s a part of me that doesn’t want to let it go, for whatever reason, I accept myself anyway.
Effective EFT Tapping Phrases
When you start to tap on the body points, focus and feel your emotions, and while you are tapping just name the emotional you are feeling. Hold the intention that you are letting go of the emotion you are naming, with each tap. You can also give voice to thoughts about the issue, event or person you are tapping about. (If a memory arises in your awareness, write it down and explore it later. It may be connected to the issue at hand, and may need to be tapped on.) After tapping 2-3 rounds of body points, stop to check in with yourself to see if the SUDs Level is decreasing. If it is, continue to tap on what emotions and thoughts are current for you now. Often emotions will change and shift as the SUDs level decreases. Inquire deeply and honestly. When the SUDs level is low 3-0, you might have insights to the deeper issues involved.
Think of a tapping session as peeling an onion. With each round, you are peeling off another layer. Although, with a highly charged issue, you may need to stay focused on the “story” for quite a while. Be focused, patient and persistent. Give yourself a full hour to do a session. You may feel better before that time, but you want to be thorough and neutralize (zero out) all the different aspects that triggered you.
You can download the Basic EFT Recipe on this site and start using it right away.
I always tap on highly charged issues with a practitioner because I find that I am more focused and will stay the course, if I have committed to a 60-90 minute session. I find that when I tap alone on a highly charged issue, I’ll unconsciously jump up from my couch and I find myself eating toast ( my comfort food). So if you find that you are distracted while tapping, or not getting the results you want, you might find a tapping buddy to trade with or find a practitioner that you resonate with, to work with.
For more on subjective units of distress (SUDS), go here.
How many sessions will it take?
There isn’t an easy, pat answer to this question. People are so different and there are so many variables among issues, there’s no way to tell. I’d suggest that you try out this amazing cutting edge “emotional acupressure” and see what a 90 minute session feels like to you. See how much relief you feel and ask your practitioner how many sessions it will take, after the first session.
However, long it takes will be considerably less than the traditional therapies, and it will be likely much more effective.